Be yourself !

           Crab Mentality phrase refers to an interesting phenomenon that occurs with the planted in a bucket of crabs. If one crab in the bucket, it can easily get out. If you put in a bucket of several crabs, they are trying to free themselves clung to each other, pulling each "applicant for freedom" down. As a result, none of them can not get out because they interfere with every collective individually to realize his goal.

           The analogy with human behavior lies in the fact that members of the public often try to minimize the achievements of any other Member, in the case if he manages to do better than the rest.
           When a person is trying to quit smoking, and associates say: "It is unlikely to succeed, you've been smoking," and pulled a cigarette - a crab bucket. When you get the second higher education, and familiar loudly wondering why you need it, because at work and so tired - it is also crab bucket. When employees do not warn error colleagues to reduce his chances of promotion. Or conceal from each other important data that can take the company to a new level, to be initiated by the innovation and gain promotion. When your own parents tell you that you put too unrealistic goals and wasting time on empty dreams - yes, and it's crab bucket.
Out here is one: honestly go to the purpose, not listening to those who tell you that you can not. In the words of John Locke in the series LOST: "But I know I can!"


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